No prob. It's a nice little thing and worth the cheap price.
Not sure I "get" this update. When I have "Centered" turned on, then I can click anywhere in the document and type and the cursor works its way down from the top all the way to the bottom, pushing text ahead of it if there is any. If I slide the scroll bar down (moving the text up) then when I start typing again it just behaves the same way. The text doesn't "automatically" scroll up until I'm at the very bottom of the page. This is the requested behavior I have above but I can't "start" the text scrolling anywhere - it only automatically happens at the bottom of the page.
When I have "Sticky" turned on, it behaves like it did before - I can click anywhere I want, but when I start typing the text jumps so that the line I'm working on is always in the middle of the page. Doesn't seem like anything I can do can change where on the page my work is going.