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hello everyone. I wish to express myself. This game has great potential and I mean it. We are talking about a game that has the same feeling that the cyberpunk anime gave. You are alone you started at the bottom. But here you stay there which makes the game pointless. You are with a beautiful sexbot that can even resemble a chromed human. You have cheat codes that give you infinite money which you can use to grind your way through stocks. This game needs a real story with a real good ending of a posibility for s sequel. I suggest the creators to really think about applying more sex scenes, scenes where Jun can sleep next to Anon. Scenes where Jun shows us the kitchen, where we can go out to different places, give us more dialogue more meaning to these characters. Let’s use Lady Annelie as a step into this true ending, let’s say Anon complies to get married with Jun and Annelie and go live on s better part of the city. Let’s give this part s twist, Anon helps Annelie, she helps him get s big house and by registrating  that property under her name as a merchant you can avoid trouble. Fans, I get it if you have weird kinks or if you only see the bot as s toy that’s your own business. Yet, I see potential for a really long story with amazing scenes and animations. When I read about all the sad endings I was so disappointed I just deleted the game. I got her the best arms, legs, hyper skin, hair, eyes, you name it. But there’s no point if there is no real character development, and intrigue.