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Hmmm... I'm thinking about a "Hunter" class, probably built around upgrading a Legendary Monster Slaying Weapon and the Sub-Weapon box from many a Castlevania. Stay tuned.

(7) The Slayer: A member of an ancient bloodline going back to a time possibly older than Dracula, even, trained from birth and dedicated to the eradication of evil.

The Slayer

There are several ancient clans dedicated to wiping out evil in the land, some older than others. You are a member of one of them and you are currently your clan's active champion. You have been trained for this since the day you were born and it is your life's sole purpose. Your family name instills genuine fear in the hearts of evil creatures everywhere, and you wield a powerful holy weapon that has been passed down through the generations.

You already possess the Hunter's Kit Relic at the start of the game. It does not count against your 1 Relic limit and it contains infinite uses, though you must spend 1 Blood each time you do so. Spend 2 Heart Points to perform an Item Crash, which can either augment an item in your kit to cause an area-clearing attack that instantly slays all minor enemies in the area, or super-charge your weapon so that it deals triple damage for one battle.

You also possess the ability to sprint at inhuman speed, and perform an uppercut that sends you 30ft into the air, and is repeatable even if there is no ground beneth your feet, letting you stay airborne indefinitely and reach impossibly high places. You can land from any height without taking any damage.

You give one hundred percent at all times without hesitation. Your commitment is unparalleled. If, at any time, you are Taken Out, it means you gave your life for your cause and you are permanently dead.

That’s just what we’re using at the moment.


I dig it!