the game absolutely broke me, it's so good as the cast's so lovable, and seeing my favs getting killed off and the killers' motive made me sad and other killers' motives really intrigued me, but there some flaws here and there in the plot but overall, its really good and im curious about a lot of stuff, but I feel like there were a lot of stuff that didn't really get an explanation or like what others said, that there were a lot of things that didn't make sense, like the protag gaining the ability to time travel(?) or like Ashley shooting Cyrus immediately didn't make sense to her character. The protag's also really written well imo, as they did resonate with me a lot and that I think their reactions to everything are realistic to their character. The ending didn't really make sense though, as the ending kinda felt like a cliffhanger, and there could've been more to it. I really enjoyed this game and the cast, Art, Pandora and Echo being my personal favs, but I feel like this game could have a prequel/sequel game, as there a lot of things in the game to use in said prequel/sequel game, and to hopefully clear up many things and mysteries, maybe? but idk, its for the creator to decide, but it'll be pretty cool tho.