Great game over all. The story seems to be very interesting so far.
Downside: There is no Audio at all. There isn't much to the main quest so far. There seems to be quite frequently spelling issues, but not to much to be a huge annoyance. (Over half the time it's really not noticeable)
Upside: Very nice art. There's a lot to other then the story, a lot of events to keep the player engaged in the game for hours. Choices + Stats actually matter in the game.
Rate: 7/10
Hints: Using the train/running in the park to early/late. Has a higher molestation rate, it's even worse during the weekends. (19:00-07:00). There's not much story line so far. The lock in the top right is the button for the cheat menu.(Remember Cheating like in any other game can cause glitches that wouldn't be there otherwise). During Haven make sure to gather all the information before distracting the guard. While in Haven all your stats will slowly go down, meaning the longer you stay there the worse your stats are gonna be, so make sure you go to Haven with good stats.