Hello Mofu and Lipstor.
The game is wonderful and is very well done, the characters are very well developed.
I know it's still in beta (something I fully understand), but when you can or when you finish the game, (I'm not asking for it to be now, take your time), I would like you to add a kind of table or something to combine mushrooms, for example: the shitake mushroom, when combining 2 increases the amount of life they regenerate by +1 to +3. Another example: the erect mushroom, when combining 2 you have the probability (whatever you want) that their statistics are combined and also increases the size of the erection by +1 to +5.
I repeat, I'm not asking you to do it now, it's just a suggestion, you decide whether to add it or not. In any case, there is no rush.
Ah, if you notice some errors it is because I translated it in the google translator.
Have a nice day.