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Game seems good so far. Here are some suggestions. I know some are repeats but the fact that they are repeats might be useful.

- Rebindable controls. I'd like to be able to  use the right analog for camera and have my attack be R1 and block be L1, etc etc.

- The slight pause when destroying things is kind of distracting for me. I get the intent but you might consider having it be a stop, then a slow speed back up to normal speed?

- Dodge distance seems a tad too short.

- The audio during the boss fight is way too loud. I get that it's a boss fight, but there's something about the WAY it's loud. Almost like it is clipping or something. I don't know a ton about audio engineering but I think there is a way to make it seem louder without actually having it BE too loud. Compression? Normalization? Something along those lines. Sorry for the vagueness on that one.