just 2 rn 1 jigsaw (pretty unlikely cus I don’t think he was online at the time ) 2 nini (when I said the messages she said bruh in a way she believed it she is the most likely suspect )
lol ok, so what does she normally act like? is she a irl friend? is she nice and gentle and well mannered? Do you act unmannered around her or smth, any trigger?
she normally act pretty childish no she isn’t an irl friend she’s act likes a child what do you expect I don’t act unmannered around her (in public yes but in dms I usually tell her to calm down in case she gets mad or smth) her trigger is mostly just bullying
hmm, wdym like childish? like innocent childish or the type of hony childishness like u? so you act manner around her? and so she usually triggered by bullying? how loyal is this "friend" of yours?
i don't report people related to me i'd only report u if you either targeted and attacked me, or a someone messing around that has nothing related to me, however you are related via N1, and you're not a rando, or some random person i ran into.
lol i mess with them as nice as possible but tick them off a lot so that they fall into a trap where they expose their image and get banned, or whatever. now the more "chilling" part of this is that i enjoy seeing people getting banned, it makes me happy. u like that too ?