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Is there anything more to installing this other than extracting and running the "Resize It Game" application?

Having an issue where when I start the first level and it lists the tip about items being highlighted the controls stop working o.o I can open the menu with "P" and the laser still follows the mouse but I can't move or shoot.

Looks cool so I'm hoping I get to run through it ^_^

Strange, this is the first time I've encountered this problem. What platform are you using? I also tried to upload the browser version of the game, but it had a lot of errors, and the only option was to download

Windows 10 64bit.

The tutorial level runs through fine and then I just get stuck in place when I enter level 1.

I remembered that the same problem was in the web version of the game, so I decided to abandon it. My friends and I have the game downloaded as it should, a very strange error, but thanks for the feedback anyway, I'm very grateful for it!