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???? ITS *EXTREMELY* WELL-DOCUMENTED LMFAO. its not just some random internet bs its literally something that has been recorded for DECADES by PROFESSIONAL RESEARCHERS. also do you know about the blind bisexual goose? or the genderfluid lioness? no? then dont talk

also i cant control the fact that im queer so guess ill be a sinner! god loves all his children though doesnt he? why would he want them to be tortured for eternity if he loves all of us? hell is never mentioned in the bible btw, and many things in that book are mistranslations. not to mention the misogyny and racism liiike... you really wanna follow that thing word-for-word?

cultural genders have also been recorded to exist as far back as ancient egypt, and in most cultures being queer was fully accepted. its only bcs of white colonization and christian takeover that it started being deemed gross. i have catholic friends who are queer and would HATE you by the way. ive even met a non-binary priest!

being queer is WIRED INTO YOUR BRAIN. it cannot be controlled. i couldnt be a cis girl if i wanted to because im NOT ONE. why do you hate queer people so much? did we kill your family?? like damnnn


Yes, he loves you, but that doesn't mean you'll go to heaven, you regected his gift and even though you'll still live forever, it won't be in heaven unless you repent and egnoledge that you will never be enough. BUT DON'T WORRY. I'm a christian and I STILL SIN. We are ALL sinners. But that's why Jesus died for us so that when we believe in him as our savior. No body will EVER be perfect, that is why he sent his son. Also, no I don't hate you, I hate the sin that you endolge your self in. And yes, it has been recorded that long ago but that doesn't mean its good. And if you think its so good, than answer this, what is a woman? And what is the purpose of life? Because if you can't answer the last one, then what will you do? Also, the bible is history, that doesn't mean everything in it is good. Evan though it is the word of God. Like, did you know people get rapped in the bible, that's because it's history. It doesn't mean you should go rape some one! God uses sinful people, And when they repented, they didn't just go and keep sinning because they new they would be saved, they tried to stop and follow Christ. I'm not perfect no one is. And ni, being queer isn't wired into our brains, sin is. I hope that god can help you see the truth. I want to help you Dkroxanne.


Firstly, I want to clarify my original request. I wanted the option to turn off the settings that automatically changed my cat's genders in the middle of game play. Although I do believe that homosexuality and gender dysphoria are wrong, I had no intention of attacking anyone, I just wanted to change my own personal settings.

To answer all your comments about my faith, here is the gospel I believe: "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." Romans 3:23-24 "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." 1 John 4:10 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23 "'Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.'" Matthew 7:13-14

I believe that all have sinned, both you and me, and that all of us need Jesus. I will be praying for you and your friends who are dealing with gender dysphoria and confusing emotions and attractions. But most of all, I pray that Christ would give you ultimate freedom from all sin which is found in Him.


“i want to help you” WEEWOO WEEWOO ABUSER BULLSHIT ABUSER BULLSHIT youre not dragging me into that shit. ive been abused enough fucking times to see red flags like this and i am DONE with you. you are one of the people who creates survivors of religious trauma.

i have nothing against christianity and catholicism and so on. i love my religious friends. what i DO have something against is someone like you weaponizing the scripture. you ARE hurting people. ive seen the stories of people who had this shit drilled into their heads so much that they cant accept any part of themself anymore. i KNOW people like that. i know people who can no longer enter churches without being thrown into a panic. all because of people like you who are so obsessed with that damn book that you cant see that youre part of the reason that almost half the queer population has been slaughtered or have killed themselves.

god will love his children AS THEY ARE.

i have a trans religious friend who i once sat with while they spoke reminders to themself and prayed.

“God loves me as i am and seeks not to shun me because He sees my happiness in this state, and knows that i would be in misery otherwise. my identity is not a sin, as it is inseparable from my being. God does not want me to suffer, and knows that i know myself as well as He. He is happy because i am happy, and that happiness has done no harm other than the harm that others choose to fabricate into existence for their own benefit.”

also its scientifically proven that queer people have different brain structures than non-queer people, so yes its wired into your brain

theres nothing wrong with being queer. queerness is beautiful, and i think its a gift from god in itself because the art and the presentations and everything that has come of accepting your queer identity is beautiful. when you have seen the queer world through eyes of acceptance, you see the beauty we have made. and you see the people who want to make that beauty a dull gray foul mess.

my queerness is beautiful, and i will always see it as nothing less.