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I'll be praying for you, either you like it or not. I don't want you to reilize your disitions before it's to late. P.S. I can't believe me asking for one simple feature has caused so much hate on me :\


Also, cool. Were the same age. Also, I don't want you dead. I want to see you healed and I don't want to see another person fall away. into sin as so many other people have. I hope that maybe, some how God has lead me to you so I have lead you to him. Sure I don't know you personally, but God does and he wants you to know and love him to :] 

I know I'm a sinner, I sin every hour of every day, but the differance between you and me, is that I asked for forgiveness. He will ALWAYS forgive you if you ask. But all of us will keep sinning and the best we can do is try our best to stop sinning. My biggest sin is lying. I just hurt my  relationship with my mom when I lied to her, but I asked for forgiveness and we prayed, and now God has helped heal our trust again. I hope God heals Satan's hold on you. I do not hate you, I hate the sin that the devil twists apon you. I'll be praying. I hope you take a minute to think about this. Thanks for reading!


are you telling me to break up with my partners and detransition because dude. im HAPPY HOW I AM. youre genuinely gross. and its not us “hurting ourselves,” its people going out of their way to ASSAULT, ABUSE, AND MURDER PEOPLE FOR BEING QUEER. youre such a victim-blaming asshole. i know people who have been sa’d because theyre queer. but let me guess, thats their owm fault for sinning, right?

stop forcing your religion on other people. look at history; millions have died because of religious colonization. plus isnt it said in the bible that you cant and shouldnt FORCE conversion of religion? im a nonspecific theist; i believe in all gods but do not subscribe to a specific religion or pantheon.

btw do some reading:

anyways shut up and let people be happy. im happy. i will not be happy as a girl because i never was. i will not be happy without my partners because they are my world. you are full of shit, honestly.