Thanks for writing this. Many good points.
There is obviously something that draws right-wing peeps and racists, etc. to the, otherwise very cool hoppy of ours.
Probably one gigantic reason is how much DnD (which is a huge influence to many) has always been, more or less, a Power-Fantasy targeted at young white cis-het-males. Including colonialistic domination elements on its core. The group is meant to basically go and exploit other people who are dehumanized and painted as bad. So, that is a big "Yesh, let's play this!" to many cis-het-white-males with power fantasies. Nazies or not.
Of course, there are many other aspects to it, but in a nutshell, that is one of the big reasons, why there is so much problematic material in so many RPGs, in a way that it is baked into the RPG industry and hobby, and "how it should be". So people who are ideologically very toxic, have an easy entry point to our hobby.
And it is very important to constantly work to make your hobby more open for many kinds of people, and about inclusivity. Our hobby has always been meant to be for all of us. Not just to a small group of people, who can gatekeep us others away.
I could write so much more about the subject, but because I am not about the rant, but about having a conversation... I'll just, say in this point, thanks a lot, for making this point!