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Maybe Hyao might eventually start adding other fetishes that are not the ones mention in the Theme section in the future? Like farts, watersports, rimming, face-sitting, smothering, and other such things?

Maybe he might also add a Brothel that is full of animal prostitutes that can do services to other animals and humans? Maybe the customer can either pay for their service with gold or in other ways? Prostitutes can also be found randomly in certain areas as well if he wants them to, it is up to him if he wants to do any of those in the future.


I think it would be better to finish storyline and then add minor fetishes, looking at other unfinished games that existed for years and were never really finished to this day because of various reasons (mainly because artists focused on suggestions and requests from their money givers and then their inspiration disappeared with a game itself ). Look at Lilith's throne for example, judging from the artist's changelogs the main focus is adding clothes to the game and new content (story focused) happens in half a year. I have really have high hopes for Hyao and wish him good luck on his game and i really want to see it finished and not abandoned.


It's hard for me to imagine an update without any story focused content.

I'm adding some new mechanics or work on the visual side of the game (Which still needs a lot of work), but I'm trying to find some middle ground so there always is a new content except of those changes that are less visible on the first sight because they are deeper in the code. I'm reading all the suggestion and have them in the back of my mind, I already implemented some of the ideas I heard from people because I thought they were good. With some I'm waiting for the future. But except of that I have tons of my own plans and I regret I'm not able to work on it more xD

That is fine, you do what you want to do first before taking the suggestion in, and coding the game and stuff on your own can take a long time to do, but you can do as much of the story stuffs as you want for now whenever you are able to do so.