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Cool aesthetics (isn't this technically a fan game? There is no copyright on the paintings and you can use the image of the paintings for non commercial purposes, but you don't own the IP either)

There is no feedback that let you know that only the skulls can be reflected in the first boss, and the other parts deal too much damage to the player. 

The game feels a little stiff. Goya's brush attack range is super small, Would you consider making it a little bigger, maybe like a slash instead of a punch. The character could have better animations, like he was actually painting

Really Cool concept!


Hey thanks for the feedback!

First of all, i don't think Goya qualifies as a fan game, as we didn't use the real paintings but just Goya's style. All was painted and then digitalized by our artist.

About the feedback on the first boss, i agree that it is pretty difficult to know about the skulls. We tried explaining it using the goat, but i guess it was not enough (or it was badly explained). I think we could have improved this and the stiffness with more time. Even in a month we had little time to work on the actual game, sadly. So yeah, you are totally right. If i have time I'll make the attack a little bigger!

Again, thanks for your time. Have a nice day!

Yes, I hope it doesnt fall under the category of fan game.


Hi byDan! Thank you so much for your feedback, we won't make the same mistakes for the next time. For the art style, as my partner say, we made by our hands all of the game's asset. Above I post some of the originals concepts if you would like to see it :) Thank you so much!


Your team should look into a game called "Rock Of Ages 2" especially  the level 14 "Holanda".

(1 edit)

Amazing game x'D I like it