Pretty fun game but a couple of issues that I felt were almost game ruining at times
1. Hot starts: this was very prevalent with Berserker it would instantly deal damage and not give the chance to properly prepare either have a entrance animation that is also clearly telegraphed or give immunity for a couple of seconds because it isn't fair to the player to die within 10 seconds cause you spawn on the boss and get combo'd (sure can be avoided but still)
2. Iris: Iris is a decent boss idea but I agree with a comment I saw in that there is too little telegraphing you are left wondering what they will spawn when they freeze in there infinity path as well as the fact that it is almost impossible to really deal damage with the way damage works since you cant get still for even like half a second so it isn't that fair to the player
3. Move overlap: this was mostly an issue an Iris but also in Fetus at times and I dont mean playing 2 moves at once because that is semi reasonable and can be entirely understandable but the sprites for the moves can overlap a lot so you are unable to CLEARLY see the moves leading the player to unfairly get dealt damage
other than that this is an extremely enjoyable game and a fun challenge its a neat idea that requires a lot of skill but I feel if the "issues" I listed are dealt with (along with the mouse out of screen area issue that I haven't mentioned) then it would feel like a very fair game 100% of the time instead of sometimes so keep up the great work :D