Btw, am I the only one who thinks that the Robe's sleeve looks as if it's military desert/tiger camo?
I believe you've tried to show that it's oversized, wrinklу and folded and those are shadows in the wrinkles of the cloth, but to me it looks like if it's camouflage, lol. Maybe make the color more solid and remove the dark stripes, or at some crude stitctes, holes and / or patches, to show that it's a crude, homemade with very primitive technology and heavily worn out hermit robe (and why it is so plentiful in Klamath, btw? I don't remember too many tribals, or any hermits or monks living there. Would rather expect more leather jackets of all sorts or even leather armor, since it's a trapper town, and they mostly do gecko hunting and brahmin breeding for living, as far as I remember, so they should have tons of sking and leather of all sorts and would probably use it for crafting clothes and armor for sale. Or are those robes some sort of raincoats for protection from the post-nuclear radioactive / acid rain, or a reference to Desert Punk / Trigun anime, lol?)