It's been a long, bumpy ride, haha. Time really flies, huh?
While I would have liked to have released Chapter Two sooner if I could have helped it, I've definitely been adding a whole lot of stuff to it while tackling a lot of the obstacles that have come from making a game so big. I certainly hope it provides a long, enjoyable experience for everyone and meets their expectations!
I totally agree that erotic games should still have a big focus on story and not skimp on it, since it makes the intimate moments all the more rewarding and enjoyable when you get to have them with characters who you've slowly become accustomed to over the hours!
Still undecided on the price point, but I have to be careful not to go too high or risk cutting into potential profits. But then I can't go too low either and cheapen the value of all of my hard work. Ahhh, it's a complicated situation, haha.
Thank you for your continued support and I hope to have Chapter Two out in the relatively near future!