The game has a lot of uniqueness and creativity build into it! None of the bosses are alike, and the level design gives many interesting challenges with the different monsters in the game.
There where a few maps that were a bit too confusing to navigate, and might have needed a few directional signs.
The score doesn't seem to be shown or used anywhere, and therefore doesn't add that much to the game. The score might be used to call more ammo, buy stuff from vending machines or give some lore about the bakery getting getting income.
Some of the monster when defeated disappears into smoke, and doesn't add to the score. I don't understand why that is, since I've already fattened the monster up.
Really loved Kathy and Jesse's battles. The constant chase of Kathy made me scared like in a horror game, as I could not escape from her, and had to die a few times before understanding what to do. Really thrilling!
Loved the dynamic with Jesse, between chasing her to running away when she transformed.