as the creator of an online platformer with level editor, let me tell you that it's quite hard to sell a game targetted to all audiences. My game tries to be a vessel of expression for anyone that want to make their own kind of level. Sounds good on paper but in practice, people don't want that.
In this sea of indie games flowing from all directions, it seems to be way easier to stick to an angle in order to find an audience. People that want to play platformers already have so many choices. Why would they play yours? You have to be the best or at least bring something new that isn't seen anywhere else. Having other game modes doesn't save you from that. If you go to the store looking for a screwdriver will you come back happy with a swiss knife?
If you really want to stick with your idea, you will have to identify your audience and try to see why your product would be exactly what they are looking for. It is possible to make games with many audiences: Look at Minecraft, Nintendo games, etc. But you will see that those games started with a niche angle and a core audience and then expanding to more audiences, rather than trying to please everyone at first. Multi genre seems even more extreme. Why would I want to play many different games in quick succession? Even if you are multi genre, you will need a common theme that makes sense for your game to have your genre.
Anyway, I'm not saying that you should not go this way but I think it's a difficult street and you should think about it more!
Good luck in your journey! Wish your the best