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Okay, Im actually updating the game today (has to do with the final tier of anvils not working) so I will fix and answer all of these questions right now!

- This is odd as the boss should teleport you out after beating it, I should definitely block off the access to the 2nd door because its only meant to be lootable the first time for the Heirloom piece for the quest!

-Bernard is not meant to equip Accessories, I didn't really come up with a lore reason why, and this is actually why I came up with Scriptures to kind of counteract his loss of the Accessory slot (slightly) as the scriptures have pretty niche uses. I also forgot to write this in his description I'm pretty sure so I will have to add in that he can't wear them! Or maybe add them in his recruitment dialogue for future players.

- Good to know,  yeah I can add them to be sellable! I think I made item stacks to 999 but Armor and Weapons I'm pretty sure are at 100.

- Im hoping once I fix the problem with Double Wind Wave, that it should show up in her Wind Spells, I just forgot to register it under Wind Spells, so it hides it.

The furnace, 6 farming patches, and the Stone pedestal object are all buyable upgrades that you get way later, in the Elven Realm, the furnace and the farming patches are from the same side quest, and the stone pedestal unlock is just a buyable if I remember correctly!

Thanks for the explanations. I know that the Cradalios Cave issue is something that a player has to do on purpose (more or less), but it can't hurt to prevent unfortunate accidents.

Yeah, the normal items limit is 999, which I pleasantly realized very soon when farming Bronze Ore - and later when stuffing my bags with Seed Rucksacks for free. :D

I'm not always sure which party member can learn (and actually use) which skills, which is why I always make back-up saves before using Skills Books so that I won't lose/waste them. Also, it's good to know that party members can learn skills "retroactively" thanks to your help (like with Beatrix's "Thaw" skill). And concerning Bernard, I think he's just too manly and can't be bothered with wearing accessories. ;)

Since I'm still farming for drops in Rifthaven and vicinity, the Elven Realm must do without my heroic deeds for a while longer. :)


Yeah the main reason I was thinking for Bernard not wearing Accessories was because they are magical and he doesn't believe in magic or something along those lines I like your idea too he's just a gigachad!

Yeah I added portals already in case it happens again :D (theres 3 boss dungeons kind of like the Cradalios Cave that work in the same manner!)

This update should fix those pesky free Seed Rucksacks! Enjoy them for now though :D

That is really smart to make back up saves, I've had to make 100s of backup saves for RPG Maker itself because the program quite literally crashes about 5 times a day and around 2% of the time it will completely delete all of my maps, animations, or whatever random file it chooses for that day (luckily I back up a lot!)