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Awesome visuals, and great music! Loved the imp transformation, had a lot of charm and it gives a really good first impression!

Had some trouble with the camera, sometimes it would stay up, preventing me from seeing where I would land when jumping, and sometimes it would center, I wasn't entirely sure what this was due to. It'd be nice if the player was able to control the camera position with the vertical arrow keys.

Some of the jumps were pretty hard! But that's mostly due to the fact that I wasn't sure how far I could get past the edge without falling off.

Really solid entry!


Interesting, re: the camera! Do you recall specifically where that might have occurred? I ask only so I can look to see if I can figure out what was going on - it's great feedback! Thank you so much for the kind words!


I actually recorded my session, might upload it to youtube later! watching it back, at the beginning of the game, the camera starts out vertically off-center towards the sky (you can see more of the space above the player and less of the space below), it re-centered when I hit some spikes.


Oh, weird! I'll try that out when I get home. I think I know what happened. Darn! I have a bug I bet where if I do the camera shake, it goes back to 0, 0 instead of the initial offset! Good find! If you do upload it, mention it here and I'll hype your channel. 😋