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(1 edit)

Maybe its a feature but I think its a bug but when you shoot the game freezes and you cant move for a second I think it may also do that when an enemy shoots. It makes it extremely hard to hit anything and means that you just get shot over and over. This kind of made it unplayable but the art style looks amazing same so does the game play so if this could be fixed I think it would be great! If you could play my game that would be great! Its somewhat similar to this.

Hi, I added a 0.2-second hit stop when the player shoots, and when the player hits enemies This slows down the time of the game, meaning enemies cannot shoot and bullets cannot fly during the hit stop so it does not affect gameplay in any way except for giving impact to shooting and hitting enemies. While playtesting I found this time to be barely noticeable. Are you having issues with it being longer than 0.2 seconds?

Yeah it seems like it might have bugged or something and was longer