The game was pretty challenging. The obstacles are pretty dense but the hitboxes are done well and so it feels pretty easy to weave between them.
Slow, very chill, a bit discombobulating. The fact that paper throwing doesn't have inertia makes sense but makes throwing feel a bit strange.
User interface feels good, please add some color coding to the health, I saw the money meter immediately but pale white text blends into pale blue sky and I didn't notice the health bar until my 3rd run.
I like how tight and self contained this game feels. Its such a simple design but the mechanics feel intuitive and easy to use. The score system is straight forward and works well. It gets vibe really well, and the monotony works well with the music and color pallet giving a very relaxing experience.
My only complaint would be about the obstacles, I'd recommend adding some sound for being bit because when my focus was on throwing paper I'd often get hit and not notice. In addition if you could remove their collider after hitting an obstacle without removing the sprite I'd recommend that watching a pot hole vanish was strange. But understand these are nit picks at best, the game is very sound and remarkably charming.