Let me help clear things up, you can make the game into whatever idea you have but if you use some type of ways to harm users you could get banned or tracking users is also a way to get suspended. You can follow the Content quality guidelines (https://itch.io/docs/creators/quality-guidelines) or you can not. If you follow the guidelines your idea and game stay but not following it doesn't mean your game is remove, most likely hidden from everyone (call it censorship if you like).
DaedalusMachina is a user who always gets in trouble for thinking the community rules is too lax which kinda is lax. No one will really know who you are unless they do research on your profile which by that time the user is most likely breaking the community rules.
I do not know the answer to your question but i hope one of the adams can tell us.
edit: good news, someone at voat (yes i go there too) found the infomation and you maybe can not. https://itch.io/docs/legal/terms#3-acceptable-use
The rules
- Posting content that promotes or participates in racial intolerance, sexism, hate crimes, hate speech, or intolerance to any group of individuals;
- Violating any applicable laws or regulations.
These two might be a problem for right, left, racial, terror groups, etc. I think this is your answer.