Artist on the project should be very proud, I really like the art style. Movement and controls were pretty good too. Sounds effects and music were nice.
Some suggestions:
Artwork - it was hard to differentiate the different levels of the scene. The background had a similar weight to the usable platforms which caused my brain to strain a bit to make sure I was seeing all valid locations I could jump to. Maybe if the background items were darker or something, to allow the playable surfaces to really stand out (like everything stands out now)
Gameplay - when going well, gameplay was fun. In all my runs, the fun quickly turned into frustration at two things 1) the screen auto scrolling forward and trapping you 2) the jump being too short to get yourself out of situations before the auto scroll killed you. I felt like navigating the platforms needed to be very close to spot on to ensure you didn't miss a jump you couldn't recover from. I did see that you could save yourself at times with the sense ability to move walls to escape. It was simply a matter of the scroll being pretty fast and having little time/opportunity to fix a fall or bad move before you can do nothing but die
I would have loved to see if the map flipped over (like it looked like it was going to due to the platforms below (or reflections?). I simply didn't get that far after a number of attempts due to the comments above.
nice submission though. I'm probably not good at the high-precision punishing platforming.