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(1 edit) (+1)

I highly doubt whatever change Mofu is planning on is as bad as you're making it out to be.

Edit: Based on the "illegal" "immoral" and "mother with a little kid" comments, I'm assuming Mofu wants to add loli content to the game.

Loli is banned in the UK, and parts of Europe and America, but NOT Japan.


I mean, wasn't Mofu the creator of Fujuu Hime? That game had loli content and a scene with a fairy that looks like a fucking toddler.

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pretty sure by "mother with her little kid" she meant she is treating him like a mom tryna help him fix his miistakes n stuff

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Maybe it's not because of loli content,I have browsed this dev's past works and they were created about five years ago,many of his works contain loli content,I think it is impossible to mention this until now,and many Japanese works contain this kind of content,maybe other reasons,I don't know.

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i mean the first fox girl seems like a loli