Thank you so MUCH jox2, for your encouragement and feedback! I'm super grateful for all the points you've made and will be exploring ALL of it into our Task Tracker. I'm going to meditate on all of your points:
- Timed bonus based on hitting DIG on the meter's set point indicator such was when it hits the middle or end (we would add a notch in the GUI to make it clear), similar to Gears of War reload. The right timing gives you a perk.
- Setting a potential weakness to the shovel with limited use but if well timed in digging within indicator, could last double (we'll test it)
- Satisfying sounds (yeah maybe it's time to not be a coward on audio and start getting into it now).
- Radio plays in the BKG like with GTA, implying also you can switch stations and listen to different tunes (a genius idea, jox2, you're brilliant! Lots of work but probably worth it. )
- Thanks again for your feedback and anything else you got, we'll explore it!