All seeds I found during development of the game:
Use this format as reference when reporting your seed
- 7 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- -21 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks
- 71488940883 - F1 - 0/2 Notebooks
- -999 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- -524459360 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- -9065371460 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- 14416188856 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- 12837043388 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- 67716915627 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- -35350803282 - F1 - 0/3 Notebooks
- 10381553929 - F1 - 1 door to bigroom
- -48004472857 - F1 - Elevator touching corner
- -28400059171 - F1 - 4/4 Faculty inside Playground + Highest chance for 0/0
- -88704973388 - F1 - 5/5 Faculty not connecting to hall
- 26486932151 - F1 - 5/5 Faculty not connecting to hall
- -11652483872 - F1 - 5/5 Faculty not connecting to hall
- 36004511360 - F2 - Small Layout
- 93177304858 - F2 - 0/6 Notebooks + 1 door to bigroom + No Field Trip
- 68735799483 - F3 - 0/8 Notebooks (Seed with many hallways and still manage to be glitched)
- 32670555390 - F3 - 1 door to big room
- -67935817406 - F3 - 1 door to big room
- 10381553929 - F3 - 1 door to bigroom
- -99999999999 - F3 - Elevator touching corner
- -99582769612 - F3 - Double Swinging Doors
- 36004511360 - F3 - 7/9 Faculty inside Playground
- 61646883020 - F3 - U Layout
- 7167711430 - F3 - Small Layout + 7/8 Faculty not connecting to hall
- 52075041598 - F3 - 1 door to big room + Long 2 Tile Hallway
- 3618844362 - F3 - Cafeteria with an entrance on every side
- -4080279291 - F3 - 7x4 Hallway
- 36004511360 - END - Small Layout
- -99582769612 - END - 6 Notebooks + Smallest Layout
- -95791871611 - END - 7/8 Faculty not connecting to hall