I stumble upon this game by accident, at first, i'm just curious, i thought the first 15 minutes would straight up to the "content" i expect from this type of game, but, man, i got invested to the lore. I know there some cheesy part of the story, but overall, its quite interesting. I like the comedic relief in between of event, the aesthetic reminds me of Gensh!n !mpact, and more "adult" character rather than lolis. I cant stand playing games or watching anime that gets you drowned with lolis, makes you feel like child molester.
Ohh, the porn part? its quite rewarding after long progress towards the end.
Just suggestion, the game assets need some sort of compression optimization or other workaround. The pre rendered scene is quite big and takeup huge spaces. Maybe the pre rendered background separated from other object. Recycling the camera position from each scene, so, you just need to render the model and reuse the background again. If you want to, you can go wild by making it parallax, giving a depth to the scene. The only downside of this method is that you have to give each objects position relative to the background of scene.
Keep up the good work man!