This was the first game I tried out and overall, I thought the game delivered a lot on the promises it set to do. I think someone else did this too but I also initially played without looking at fish abilities. It was a little weird figuring out the controls and getting used to the in-game physics (gravity was higher than I thought), but I was able to get 6 pearls with just using the Q ability. Without the bugginess of the walls, I honestly probably wouldn't have collected many pearls to begin with (or maybe that was intended) since escaping the jittering allowed a brief period to jump again if we timed it right. Taking advantage of that did net me one of the pearls that required me to climb up a ledge. Originally, I thought we only had access to the Q abilities for the play test and got stuck so I came to see what other details were provided. It turns out that we had access to the E abilities as well -- just need to slot them in with E when we first fish them. It would be pretty cool to test out the various combinations of fishes and Q/E abilities now that I think about it. Didn't have time to go try out all the combos but I can see the mechanics of the game going pretty deep with more fishes being added later. Besides that, the art for this game was pretty distinct and I think it meshes well with the setting and style of the game. I also liked how when you hit the spikes, it would load the player to a preset location close to where we died. Though, the kinetics of the player did feel a little slippery and the player would sometimes hit the spikes multiple times (a save location close to the spikes), carrying over the previous velocity and I would have to wait for things to settle before continuing. Overall, there was a lot of substance in this play test and I can't wait to see what else you guys add!
Edit: glad the time didn't force a game over because it would be pretty disheartening to lose your progress on your pearls (especially when I first experimented with the controls)