First of all, let me point out that I played this game on a laptop with roughly as much power as an abacus, so I probably wasn't getting the full experience here. Nonetheless, this was a fun time! Pinging from planet to planet and setting up your final shot is really therapeutic, in a way that's oddly similar to Kerbal Space Program. In fact, at one point I caught myself reaching for the F5 key to quick save after setting up a difficult shot.
The ambient track is nice - really helps to enhance the feeling of zen - but it's spoiled somewhat by the sharpness of the golf ball sound. The visuals, in so far as I could see them at three frames a second, are a little stayed, but understandably for a first 3D game, and there are some nice touches, like the gravity field, the motion trails behind the moon ball, and the "stuff" around the black hole.
All in all, I wouldn't mind seeing some more of this; I think there's mileage in the concept.
P.S. Points deducted for being able to land on the "surface" of Jupiter.