This last week I have been building some dwarven areas, under The Mountain, currently besieged by the last tribe of wild orcs. These areas need to be further populated and developed but lay the foundation of orcish expansion, through conquest or diplomacy, beyond the conquest of the New Shires.
Above, see wild orcs, their shaman and chief, outside the entrance to The Mountain. The fight has long ago moved under The Mountain, though the progress of the wild orcs is slow. Manipulated by the elves to weaken the dwarves and keep them in check, the orcs lack the technology for a final push to victory.
Here we see the fortress capital of the dwarves. Pipes and gas canisters, the toxic underworld fumes to which the dwarves are now addicted, adorn old architecture. The dwarven guard dons the equivalent of hazmat suits, armed with flame throwers and vats of fuel and gas. Dangerous but pale and withered, the dwarves are losing themselves to excess and hedonism, many seeking to make themselves part of The Mountain as they slowly turn into rock. Many have already had their eyes surgically swapped with precious stones.

In the heart of The Mountain, and home to the Lord of Brimstone, the ruler of dwarf-kind, you will find this forge area. It needs further work but hints at the corruption of the dwarfs, the abandonment of their history and the drift into occultist visions.
Events and stories need layering over these locations in time. Right now, I want to plan out the elf areas in the North West section of the world map. Along the way, I can adjust things.
This is a work in progress and all things may change.