What is the point of this topic
Saving the post here before Lucas deletes it
🖕Lucas🖕1 hour ago (1 edit)
stfu first rule never go into someones shit gets you raped and molested (trust me i know)
2nd you get 0 bitches -1 men and furries are scared of you
3rd how the fuck are you gonna say have sex then whine about it (kys)
4th you can't even fucking spell you overstretched yootooz looking motherfucker like godayum bro
5th "wtf everyone like having rp sex" i couldnt even understand that shit maybe youre mad because no one sex rps with you i mean you said you were in somebodys shit meaning you have no life+ 0 rizz + -a - hoes = your meaningless life i wish i had dementia so i didnt have to read the goofiest shit that came out your mouth🤓🤓🤓🤓
6th you use the fucking clown emoji you wonder why nobody wants to fuck you, end your life now
7th youre life is irrelevant and thats coming from someone with my pfp
this lack of hoes is unbelievable
as Gandalf aka Rizzdalf said
"Thou virgins (you😎🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂) shall not pass!"