OMG thanks for playing and I hope it was a worthwhile experience to you! <3
Also, yes, it's possible to win every single fight. Pretty much all of the ones you can lose, losing was actually the intended outcome, but I made special results to winning just to reward the few people I knew would want to try winning at all costs. I can't promise much in terms of different endings, but sometimes you just get a different cutscene, postpone the fight, get something else instead of money, or have long-reaching consequences you'll see several chapters ahead. There IS a secret joke ending to find tho, if you look for it xD
While I do have a lot of ideas for new stories set around Eastwall, it's gonna take some time before we have anything new playable. Hopefully in the next few months there'll be a playable demo of my next game, or an expansion for this one (maybe set in more beast people settlements). You can follow me on Instagram to stay update or just come back in a few months to check if there's anything new.