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(2 edits)


I'm @CarniBlood. I have been using libGDX sometimes in the last two years for prototyping game ideas, and I'm excited to participate this jam and see what everybody will be making!

I'm a game programmer for a AAA project by day, and also working on a VR educational game by myself in my free time.
I don't have so much time left for another project, so I will mostly work on this game during my subway commute :)
I'm will team up with @PouleyKetchoup who will do all the art, so I can concentrate on the coding and do almost 100% of the work on my smartphone, thanks to AndroidIDE. We will both participate to the game design.

I will re-use one unfinished point-and-click engine I was using for a previous prototype to start with, and will pretty much stick with libGDX only, but maybe also use Java Behaviour Trees library depending on my needs for interaction and AI.