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Sure! I've been working on creating a guide for players, but it's not done yet. A rough overview of the available routes right now:

1) Warrior - Leave with Kate, join the mercenaries
2) Mage - Leave with Kate, don't join, scream when the bandit approaches you
3) Princess - Just stay with Thomas.
4) Crime - Leave with Kate, don't join mercenaries, do nothing when the bandit approaches you
5) Rahayal - Leave with Kate, don't join mercenaries, run away from bandit, leave Lethram
6) Tribes - Lose the war against the Tribes by making bad decisions.
7) Sailor - Leave with Kate, hook up with Belmont, join mercenaries, keep hooking up with Belmont.

Those are some of the major storylines right now. There are a lot of sub-choices within each of those paths, but as I said, I hope to release a more detailed scene guide at a later point :).

Hope this helps.