Thank you for your criticism 89o, Some of these ideas are interesting but the game is inspired by Space Impact! for the older Nokia feature phones. I do agree with you in terms of power ups and such but this was the first time I used Godot so most of the time during that 1 week time span was learning the engine itself. I didnt have to learn GDScript as much of it is understandable since I did OOP/C++ in 2nd Year of Comp Science. I wanted to add more stuff like extra levels, extra vehicles to emulate Space Impact but sadly, Time constraints
To address the limitations, I was aware of this I just made the game to run at 672x384 as its an integer scaled resolution of 84x48. I Have no excuse for the transparency effect of the Asteroid Break effect. I did however disble sub pixel scrolling in the project settings.
This game is far from over as im currently working on it as we speak. Im adding more levels, more vehicles, more enemies, power ups, Boss fights, a simple story and Music as well as SFX. Astro Impact! DM (Complete) and Astro Impact DX will be coming soon (Hopefully)