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Oh wow, when you said that you're reworking your game into a gallery, I did not expect it to have so much happening in it! The animations are great and there's so many of them! Love the pink on black look of the game, it's very visually pleasing. The music and sound effects fit the action really well, there's a strong sense of togetherness about everything. There are even little touches like the beating heart title and vibrating text to further change this from a simple "tech demo" to a "presentation". I would really love to see this concept developed into a full game, but I definitely don't think that anything is lost by "just" being in the gallery, because it's a really fun one!


Hey, nice that you checked my project. Yeah, even if I initially had bigger plans, I'm glad I at least got to release something worth sharing. And I think that with a good presentation even something simple can feel much more complete.