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Small update:

In favour of simplicity and unification, and due to the upcoming interface changes:

Player movement will be changed from WASD(keyboard) to mouse clicking.

Clicking somewhere will make the character go to that location, chars will be opening doors automatically.

New interface will have onscreen buttons for opening system screen, dragging scrap, and toggling combat mode.

Reparing broken systems and extinguishing fire will be automatic.

If cell that you are standing on is part of a room that has a system installed and that system is damaged, your char will auto repair it.

if cell that you are standing on is on fire, or any adjacent cell is on fire, then your char will auto extinguish it.

What do you think of these changes?

Any feed back is appreciated.

I dont know about that update.. just sounds like FTL to me.. me and my friends enjoy the WASD and having to hit F and R

I do like some ideas, but some, not so much. I would personally like the WASD movement to stay, and having the mouse movement as an alternative in the options, and also having the doors auto-open and close in WASD mode. I also think the auto repair/extinguish could be optional as well, for those who want more immersive gameplay.