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Yeah, I thought it might be something like that. I have 20 points, because of that flirtation dialog taking away 10. And I do get not being compatible with her because of her wanting lots of kids right away and the protagonist being at least uncertain because of an initial trait taken.

The real deal breaker here isn't even Usanna specifically, though. If it was just her, I'd be disappointed, but I could move on. The problem is basically a matter of, extremely poor communication in game design on what effect certain choices will have going forward, combined with having my choices taken away with no real justification. If Kristan doesn't have the right personality, that will lead to her being uninterested in Kristan... but, that's no reason for Kristan to suddenly drop out and not participate in the battle circle. It's even more annoying that it suddenly came out of nowhere, after Kristan and Usanna spent like half of their previous interactions up until that point flirting with each other, even having a single outright sex scene. If Kristan could continue into the battle circle, and then have Usanna still explain that even though she likes him she doesn't think they're compatible long term because of that first flirtation dialog, I'd be fine with that. If Kristan could do something to redeem himself in her eyes, that would be good too, but is unnecessary. It's the, having my own ability to even make the choice in the first place be suddenly gone that is the problem.

But what makes me want to stop playing completely is, I am now expecting more of this problem to pop up in interactions with other characters everywhere else. Not even necessarily just in romance stuff; for all I know, I could say something to, I dunno let's say the mayor for example, and then a few hours of gameplay later this turns out to have locked me out of even attempting to pick some option in a major plot event over how to resolve some life or death crisis.

(1 edit) (+2)

I understand what you mean. Take into account that Usanna's dynamics were very well thought out to be compatible with the protagonist's default personality (breeder trait).

I've added some dialog variations for Usanna, and you should see things clearer in case your protag is not a breeder. I'll touch on the love requirement too, in the next public release this should be implemented, I just ask for a little patience. 

And thank you, I depend on my players' feedback to improve the game. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, my friend. Hope the rest of the game is pleasing though.