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Well, I'm right there with you guys on the hype and enjoyment of this game. 

However it IS a bit disappointing to see that there's been no activity in versions for some time now. I looked up on google for help with Delilah's quests, and yeah I found the answer. I also saw right under that post someone answered a question about something, and that it probably wouldn't be available until 0.1.3. That post on Reddit was over 2 yrs ago, so I know that things have been dormant for at least that long.

Now excuse my demeanor on this, but my insomnia's kept me up for 3 days so far, and that's how long it took me to install and finish this current build from start.

*I believe story-wise anyway. Still working on adding points to the girls until I just can't anymore, to see just how much I can squeeze out of this.*

There's not too many really good games left out there lately, so I'm hoping this one gets at least a little more love and not die completely.


Agreed, not many games out there with such amazing game mechanics and stuff like this.


I hope this excellent project can continue,But I can only wait now.This game has its own unique characteristics


The project is still ongoing, just at a very slow pace, there have been more than a few updates on Discord here and there.