Admirable to see a game made with an original engine! It functions and controls quite well, but should show the buttons that do things somewhere in the main game. The physics feel good, though maybe a tiny bit slippery.
The pixel art aesthetic is adorably charming. I really like the use of particles, they give all of your actions a real sense of impact. I don't know if the bloody spikes and blood effects from hitting them really fit the theme, but it depends on the direction you're planning to take this project. I like the big variety of tiles to place, they'll let users make some fun levels, perhaps the multi-tile items should all appear as one object? I never did find the dinos (in the game, I found them in the files).
The potential for horny interactions in a Mario-Maker type of game is absolutely thrilling! I hope you get some fun user-made levels for it further down the road!