You've got a ridiculous amount of stuff done this month! There are so many characters, and they've got plenty of dialogue and sex scenes split between them across 6 whole chapters! I don't even think I've seen everything because the game always gives me an error when I try to explore the castle. I'm presuming there are even more interactions hidden away behind that bug right now.
The art style is cartoony, colorful and adorable. If you want to expand the game, I think that some of the primary cast members would gain a lot of newfound visual personality from a few new expressions or poses. There's a good variety of backgrounds to give a real sense of spaciousness to the castle.
The story does a good job of switching between narration-driven and character-driven and has a cute quirky bounciness to the action. It does feel a little unfocused at times, where it's not entirely clear what all the stuff you're doing is leading up to. I like that some of your choices have effects much further into the story, that's really neat and it would be cool to have more such events if you decide to continue this project.
I really want to hear an upbeat, slightly wacky soundtrack when I'm playing this, your art style practically demands it!