it's really good.
the enemy types feel different enough that its interesting to interact with them. i especially like when a Sh gets stuck in a crowd of enemies and its like i'm fighting a blob that shoots bullets
i consistently run out of blue and red ammo due to the large amount of enemies in the late game, though i realize now i should probably be using the shield gun to deal with tiny guys to avoid that. shops seem pretty vital to the run so they're the only paths i feel like i can take, but like i said i might be budgeting ammo poorly. i have no idea what the ouroboros map rune means, i assume its a empty space so i just avoid it. i think the radar dots should be bigger since i literally had to wipe dust off of my screen to see the last enemy once. the background and walls should be more contrasting
personally i wish i had more control over my build, like if i paid runes to select the upgrade i want instead of paying for a chance to upgrade. i also wish i could regain tiny amounts of health. i'd prefer dash to be bound to ctrl
i haven't gotten to the final boss yet but i'll probably keep playing until i beat it
- ammo counter doesn't update when you pick up ammo until you reload
- i'm pretty sure i picked up an ammo pack and its shadow remained on the ground