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Once again I must say that I am impressed with the artwork and the fact it's not random Google Images. The writing is definitely competent and I saw basically no typos or misspellings which is a major step up from other FVNs. The characters are all very distinct from each other, they have genuine characterization beyond just one dimension, and they interact quite believably with each other based on their personalities and outlooks. The sprite work is amazing in just two builds. Overall, this is a solid FVN and I'm looking forward to the next update.


I would remiss if I did not state my concerns as to the sketchy morality of this game. The entire idea that the rich are all evil supervillains out to torture the poor is insanely immature and I'm surprised grown adults wrote that. Actually, no I'm not. In this day and age, it makes perfect sense. I'm glad that Cedric is expressing realistic emotions from stealing and threatening these people, but Victor seems to be reveling in it, and that automatically make me hate his guts just a little bit. 

I hope the writers of this game address this. Just because someone is rich, doesn't mean they're fuckin' Hitler. Anyway, here's my video on this update. I hope you enjoy it!


Victor's experience with rich people has been, for the most part, explicitly terrible. Why, then, would he not take a modicum amount of enjoyment from stealing from them? Morality is not black or white, and that is the dynamic of the duo. Cedric has seen both the good and the bad of the upper class but knows little, until recently, of the struggles of the poor. Victor is the other side of that coin. Victor isn't going to feel as bad about stealing from wealthy people who- from his perspective- faff about with piles of money to spare while people starve. Victor has been a thief for years to get by, while Cedric is just now starting. So, of course, their attitudes and emotional responses will be different.

I just have to say, rich people currently funds death squads to shoot anyone who goes against their intrests in south america, Coca Cola assassinates union leaders, IKEA supported hitler, Ford supported hitler and german coca cola supported hitler and worked with him, the company Shell gave money to african governments to shoot striking workers.

the rich do not care about us, they have over and over again given support to fascist and authoritarian regimes to maintain their power, Mussolini had support from many of the rich, Hitler did to, Pinnochet also, and this is in modern times (or relativly modern times) in the 1700s many of them unironicly thought they had god given rights to be rich and exploit the poor, in most cases the rich dont activly hate the classes under them but they see them just as a way to increase profit, they dont care about us and think we are in many cases just uneducated workers, in worst case senario we get people like Henry Ford who where just straight upp Fascists and saw the lower classes ass inferior beings since they didnt manage to become rich like them.

ofcourse there do exist a few (very small minority) who cares somewhat about the poor like Olof Palme (Swedish Prime Minister and socialist politician) and Marx + Engels (Marx was from a Nobel family and Engels a factort owner) but this is extremely extremly rare and they are almost always from the lower parts of the upper class and not the absolute top