Don't worry you played the whole demo then, nothing left but a 'you win' screen if you kill the axeman. Thanks for the help, I know this demo tried to cram a bit more ideas into the game to show off mechanics then what I'd want in a learning curve for the real game. I plan to have a lot of 'normal' platforming in the earlier game, ramping up as you encounter more time-manipulating traps and enemies that make it more challenging through your ability to rewind time. But cramming those in early can be very confusing- the imps rewind time if you hurt, but don't kill them, the clump of skulls rewinds you if you touch them, skeleton archers can sometimes shoot arrows that travel backwards in time and kill you in the past, and those big skulls in the 1-1-with-a-twist level rewind you through time if they touch you. So yeah, a lot of cluttered ideas for a demo and that's not even 1/10 of whats in store.
Most people seem to agree the movement is too fast and especially the lunge/dodge/slide need a rework, that's a top priority. Making it more precise and slower.
Thanks for all the feedback, and good luck!