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Gee that's a long comment, thank you so much for taking the time, a round of feedback like this is something I can only dream of having, let's go through it.

  • ๐Ÿ‘
  • Indeed, making UI is a chore and I've slacked there
  • ๐Ÿ‘
  • Yea that feature is just not done and I forgot I even put the button there on the first place, sorry
  • It adds a little delay when you move around so it takes a little while to pause, I don't think it's quite "smoothing" and it's something I need to rework, oh well
  • ๐Ÿ‘
  • I want to be more clear about weapon durability so you can plan your attacks, I just never got down to do it, not sure yet if I'll have a little UI with an icon of the weapon that changes color as it degrades, or somehow express it in the weapon visuals themselves
  • The whole "picking up" weapons logic needs quite a lot of work indeed ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
  • ๐Ÿ‘, I'm not quite happy with the handling of physics as of yet, they get stuck really easily if they collide with something but, well, needs work
  • ๐Ÿ‘ If you crouch + jump while in a ladder you do drop down, I'm thinking on adding little control tips depending on player context so I can tell them stuff like being able to sprint while in ladders, sprint while swimming, dropping down, remind them which is the interact key when they can interact with stuff (a LOT of people by instinct click on stuff instead of E)
  • ๐Ÿ‘, the prison level should go for a while longer before entering the game proper but at the moment I wanted to make like the first proper level of the game so I left it unfinished
  • The thing with performance at the moment is that the graphics part of the game should be running fine, I haven't optimized certain things so I'm not saying there isn't work to be done there but the game is mostly bottlenecked by the CPU because of physics and AI. I did some last minute optimization so the AI is ticking slower if far away and their physics aren't activated but chances are that in that part the enemies nearby are activating and using up more resources than in other parts of the map because there is a fair bit of them.
  • Once again I've been slacking off, the sunlight is dynamic as well as the fire sources in the levels, by lowering the lighting quality shadows from the sun as basically deactivated because I found out a way of using really cheap really sharp shadows with this thing called Distance Fields, the problem is that that's the only quality option that exists is basically on/off but I think I can get more options going on
  • ๐Ÿ‘
  • ๐Ÿค”
  • Yea some apples should be dropping
  • Ah yes they should attach to the camera or something
  • ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

I'm still figuring out how to design the levels and I kind of rushed to get this one ready for demoday so the objective is absolutely not clear, but well, still figuring out.

If you want to play the whole thing though, you just have to go upstairs and next to the bell and the dormitory there is a lever that opens the gate that leads to the outer patio, but you might want to wait to the next iteration once the level is more proper.

Once again thanks for the comment, insightful stuff!