This time I skipped the regular levels because I've finished this game twice so my feedback will mostly be directed at the test levels.
I think they are pretty good for the most part. I definitely prefer timed puzzles that use the game's mechanics (i. e. swapping to a fairy that's about to be eaten to perform an action ) rather than having a button that acts as a hard timer like last time. The bonus level in particular falls under the category of "I know the solution but I'm having trouble with the execution" as you effectively have to juggle 2 different timers. All things considered, I think it's fine for a bonus level to do stuff like that.
Out of the common levels Bridge 2 took me the longest to solve, even more than the bonus level. I think that's because I thought keeping the summoned fairy around was a 200 IQ move instead of wasting a resource in what must be the puzzle game equivalent of hoarding potions.
Finally, stellar animations and art style as usual. I look forward to seeing the final design of the witch fairy. Here's a little fairy I made.