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Demon Core is an excellent oneshot / scenario that blends history and the paranormal together in a fun way.  I've listened to hundreds of episodes of Ken And Robin Talk About Stuff, so "History + Eliptony" should be worn out by now, but Demon Core still strikes me as fresh.

The art is excellent - not overdone, but beautiful and really setting the tone and providing insight to the author's intents.  Thought went into the topo map too, which I always love - I can see where I'd set an ambush, as a player, based on how the road is drawn out. I can feel the impatient first-gear mud kicking slog up the hill, engine slipping between 5k and 8k RPMs as the tires gain and lose traction, just west of the drop zone.  The "Drive it like you stole it" tree-smashing shortcuts to be taken during the final switchbacks in sight of the dam.  It's a thing of beauty.

Text is legible and uncluttered while still having a Xeroxed quality to it - not quite a blur, not quite a pixelation, but definitely a photocopy or a product of an era-appropriate printer.

The scenario itself is laid out in an A-then-B-then-C format, but with more than enough information to allow immediate transition into informed improvised play when the players start playering and, I don't know, summon Dagon in the lake by the dam so they can jam the hydroelectric rotors with his corpse and infiltrate aquatically instead of using the front door.

My only complaint is that the final confrontation is probably too lethal. 18HP, 3 ARMOR, 3D6 DAMAGE, and 3 Traits feels like an invitation to an unavoidable TPK.  The strength of the schmuck-bait semi-optional villain seems appropriate, given it's nature, but the last scripted fight in the Teleportation room is against a dude who dishes out damage like the machine gun on the Ataraxia (FIST's Metal Gear Rex equivalent) and sucks up damage like its 20 foot tall titanium ZAMOK shield.  If I get a chance to run this I'll probably replace him with two CROs with the quasi-teleportation shtick.