oh man
this is quite a twist on the genre. i'm both fascinated to see where this could possibly go and also mildly horrified in the Age Of Covid. but also now i'm thinking about how there is incredibly strong (sometimes even explicit) pressure in min-wage food service to come in even when you're sick. i might need to lie down
i don't want to say "i want more of this", because i feel like that's uttering some kind of monkey paw curse in this particular instance, but i would certainly play more of it because i'm fascinated to see where this little dollop of worldbuilding could be going
i think the conspicuous omission is Consequences; i know i'm getting people sick but they simply leave before i see anything come of that. admittedly i don't know what that would look like though, since the very nature of food service is that you see people for 20 minutes and then perhaps never again
(also maybe resize your assets outside of gamemaker? i think a bunch of your art got nearest-neighbor scaled down in-engine and a lot of bits of outlines disappeared and that made it kind of hard to tell what things were supposed to be)